Thought I’d finally tell someone.
Last November, at about 7 weeks, I lost my baby. It hurt so much, and not just physically, but I just passed it off as a really bad period, although I knew exactly what it was. So of course everyone just put my bad moods and crying down to the time of month, and no […]

Last November, at about 7 weeks, I lost my baby. It hurt so much, and not just physically, but I just passed it off as a really bad period, although I knew exactly what it was. So of course everyone just put my bad moods and crying down to the time of month, and no one knew. I never told anyone either. It just felt too real if I did. I mean, I didn’t plan to get pregnant, but I did, and I was terrified, but happy when I found out – had no idea what I was going to do at all, but I never got the choice. And when it was ripped from me, I’d already accepted the fact that I was going to be a mum.

I never told the dad either. We’d been together for 2 months ( a record for him ), and he wasn’t exactly the baby kind either. I mean, don’t get me wrong but he could be sweet and sincere and everything, but he’d been around too much and everyone knew he had commitment issues. He was the kind of guy who “loved” every girl after 30 seconds. Plus the fact that he’s 15, the same age as me, but constantly very immature. Actually, I’m not sure at all, it could’ve gone both ways with him. He had a crappy job, but it was money after all and if he cared about something, he’d fight for it. Guess it just depended on whether he cared. But anyway, after everything turned, I didn’t think there was a point in telling him, just in case he was disappointed. But his stupid commitment issues got in between us two, and we’re not together now anyway.

So yeah, 9 months on, and I’m getting there, it’s getting better. & If anybody feels they need to talk or needs support, I’m always here for anyone, Just add me!<3

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