This Is So Hard For ME!!!!!!!!!!

by | 2008 | Real Stories

I am 22 years old. When I was eighteen years old i had an abortion!!!!! I was dating a friend of mine at the time and two months of graduating high school, with a scholarship to go to college i found out I was pregnant!!! Now four years later I still struggle with the emptiness, […]

I am 22 years old. When I was eighteen years old i had an abortion!!!!! I was dating a friend of mine at the time and two months of graduating high school, with a scholarship to go to college i found out I was pregnant!!! Now four years later I still struggle with the emptiness, sadness and regret from it!!! I did not believe in abortion at the time but my situation was so hard. I was the first in my family to go to college, i wasnt expected to make this type of mistake. My boyfriend at the time believed that i should have the abortion because he felt like he was hendering me from my dreams!!!  I am a Chrisitian and I know that my Lord and Savior has forgivin me for what I have done!!! Its just so hard to deal with it!!!  Are there any other Chrisitians out there that can help me get through this!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!

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