If you look at it in terms of living through it on terms of living through it on the edge and under pressure, 9 months is a very long time…Just when I thought one of my nearest and dearest had made the concious decisioun to be a fantastic Stand-up girl and be the angel of choice of life for the tiny person growing inside of her, she falls, and puts an end to the madness that coul well maybe have turned her life into something so beautiful. I am sad to say that she chose to abort her baby…not as sad as I was before and not as sad as I thought I wold be but sad all the same. It really angers me to think that so many girls have been given the blessing that many crave for only to just throw it away due to percieved bad timing. It's like spitting in the face of GOD…
They cry and wail, complain 'why me' and say 'but i'm not ready' or 'my life will be ruined' when it is only through their own irresponsibility that brough them thus far. It is of the highest ordasity to then turn around and sacrafice the life of the child God has blessed you with for sake of convenience or ideals. How can you see how much your baby has grown, its little fingers and toes, how your life may be , how your baby may look like , hear it's heart beat and still say yes to ending it's life before it has even tasted air? I must ask whether the tiny pounding your mother once heard when she saw you for the first time on that black and white screen has grown to stop and become absent…did you feel your heart beat whe they tore your baby from inside you?…no? It is true absence of heart and courage…And I say no more…