Though we haven’t started painting or really anything in the Nursery Room, we do already have plans. My husband and I already know what color the room is going to be painted, the theme. Yet there is still nothing there.
There isn’t even a crib in the room yet. My husband and I are still using the soon-to-be Nursery Room. At the moment, that is still our room. I am 26 weeks pregnant and that worries me. I just hate that there is nothing. We have clothing, diapers, wipes, few things like that. That also worries me. I feel like we should have everything prepared. Time is going by so fast. I’m just so worried that when the baby comes, there will be nothing.
We already know which crib we’re buying. My father actually volunteered to buy the baby the crib. It’s his gift he is giving to us. The crib we chose is online at :)) That site has great stuff. We’re also buying the crib set there. The whole crib set is of Mickey Mouse. My mother designed my room with Mickey and I thought it cute to do the same for my boy. Though, my mom designed my room with Mickey and Minnie. My boy is just going to have Mickey Mouse. :))
The Nursery Room is going to turn out great. The way my husband and I have planned for the room to look, it will look gorgeous. :))
I’ll keep the Nursery Room and everything updated. 🙂 I sure hope we could hurry with his room. I want the room done before 35 weeks of my pregnancy. If sooner…better! I guess only time could tell.
I hope everything goes well.  🙂