Dear Becky-
We adopted our one and only boy almost eight years ago. His birth mom chose us out of so many wonderful families. There are no words to describe this amazing, most awesome experience. The birth mom asked if I wanted to watch our son be born. Of course I said, YES. He is absolutely the most amazing little boy, who is growing much to fast.
We wanted to adopt another baby, I am still hoping and praying. I am so extremely grateful to his birth mom for choosing adoption for him. She loved him so much, that she gave him life, and the opportunity for a family like ours to love him so very much. God Bless you birth mom. We love you.
That is such a beautiful, encouraging story! I would love to include it on our site. Would that be okay with you?
Yes, of course. I am honored that you want to tell our story, because it is so amazing.  What I didn’t tell you, and our son will never know, that his birth mom was thinking of having an abortion with him. She went to to see a doctor for this very thing and she had a councilor talk to her about her choices. At that point she decided she wanted to give birth to him, and allow a family who could not have a baby of their own to adopt him. What an amazing thing to do for her baby, and our family. I’ll never stop telling our story to everyone, and I am the proud mother of three amazing children, and grandmother to one. Thank you for allowing me to share our amazing adoption experience.
Thank you so much! Your story is just so amazing…what a brave and selfless thing that young lady did. And what a wonderful choice she made to entrust her son to your loving family. It is just so uplifting to hear.