the day i will never forget

by | 2010 | Real Stories

hi my name is kim in i fell preagnant when i was 20 years old and had only been with my boyfriend for about 4 month so quite a shock to us both but we were happy and decided to keep the baby everthing was goin great no problems at all i had my dating […]

hi my name is kim in i fell preagnant when i was 20 years old and had only been with my boyfriend for about 4 month so quite a shock to us both but we were happy and decided to keep the baby everthing was goin great no problems at all i had my dating scan and everything was fine my pregnancy progressed and i was bond with my baby was so happy to know that i was soon going to be a mam when it come to my 20 week scan i found out i was havin a girl so overjoyed i left the hospital with a picture of my baby and went to tell all my family the good news they were so happy but then a 3 days later i expriencd some really bad pain and bleeding i knew that wasnt good  so i went to hospital to get checked out they monterd my babys heart beat it was strong i thought thats got to be a good sign then the doctor come a cheked me and told me and my partner that i was havin a misscarrige and there was litttle chane of my baby girl surving with in that momment my life fell apart didnt know what to do i just had to go thrugh the normal labour it was awful 4 hours later my baby was born i looked at the midwife hopful wating for my baby to cry she she never did  they took my baby away  a few hours later i went to see my baby girl she was perfect we named amygrace  in time we had her funrel  worst day of our  life willl never forget our little angel last year i fell preagnant again never been so scared but im happy to say i went full term and had a buitful healthy baby boy he is 5 month old now and is doing fantastic we will tell him about his big sister some day and love her her just as much as we do

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