I am 17 years old, my goal in life is to be somewhere in forensics. That goal requires a lot of school so I came up with the plan to graduate early through an independent studies program. When august comes around and school starts back up I will have one class to finish and ill graduate in that same month.
I am currently 9 weeks pregnant, I’ve had my first ultrasound, and told my mom. My parents are divorced, and I’m staying at my dads at the time being, I feel like it was easier to tell my mom the news rather than my dad, who still doesn’t know. I’m scared of his reaction, and id like to stay with him at his house where I have my own room and personal space.
I plan to do everything for my child on my own, I don’t want to be the teen mom where my parents are more of the parents than me. I want to do it all myself and I know ill need help along the way, but its whatĀ I’m tying to do. I plan to keep my goals, and I know it will be tough and ill probably have to take a few college classes online rather than theĀ Jr. college like I planned for general education.
I’m keeping my goals, and accepting the challenge of having this child. The “father” and I have our struggles, even if he decides not to be in the picture ill have it taken care of, it’ll be harder with out his help but I am staying positive.
I know the whole situation is going to be extremely hard, but I’m staying positive. I have thought about abortion, or adoption.
One day I plan to start a family, intentionally, and I don’t think its fair to have a baby one day I intended to have and know my baby is out there and not in my family because I wasn’t ready for it. Ready or not here he/she comes. I’m going to have this baby and work everyday to make it have the most beautiful life and still continue on with my career goals.
My mother is supportive, and I cross my fingers my dad will come around too. I know ill have my family on my side once they know, I have a 29 year old sisterĀ whose blessed our family with an adorable boy and girl, and a 23 year old sister whose in college, and a 18 year old sister and 15 year old brother who still live at home with me.