The Assurance
Dear Becky — It hasn’t been quite a week since the affirmation of my pregnancy. I have gone through so many different feelings in the past few days that I don’t even know how to feel next. I want to be happy, and sometimes, I am. But I just want more than anything the assurance […]

Dear Becky — It hasn’t been quite a week since the affirmation of my pregnancy. I have gone through so many different feelings in the past few days that I don’t even know how to feel next. I want to be happy, and sometimes, I am. But I just want more than anything the assurance that it’s going to be ok.

Dear Becky,

It hasn’t been quite a week since the affirmation of my pregnancy. I have gone through so many different feelings in the past few days that I don’t even know how to feel next. I want to be happy, and sometimes, I am. But I just want more than anything the assurance that it’s going to be ok. I thought I was pregnant before, but now, it really hit me more than ever. I have LIFE inside me that I am now responsible for. I couldn’t ever have an abortion…that is out of the question. Two friends of mine have had one and I couldn’t do that. They were too depressed afterwards…I could never put myself (or my baby) through that. It’s my responsibility and now I have to take action for it. My boyfriend is really supportive about the whole thing and is pretty excited. He won’t tell his parents though which is really frustrating. He is scared they won’t help him pay for his new car if he tells them….which is pretty selfish if you ask me…but we are still young I guess and are still in that stage….Anyway, I already told my parents and there are really really supportive about it. My dad owns an apartment complex and is making me move out though. He says that it’s my baby, not his and I have to take care of it. I understand that part, I guess. But I’m 17 years old and I guess I’m just not really ready to grow up. I really don’t want to yet. I guess that’s selfish, but hey, what can I do? Lie? But all I can do I guess is be the best mother I can be with the help of my parents and my boyfriends. I know all of them will end up truley loving the baby in the end and really helping us out. Anyway, God Bless to all the girls that have gone through this. It’s really hard, and I feel the pain now more than ever before. But it’s all going to be ok in the end. I mean, whats the worst that could happen? You end up loving a beautiful child in the end.


Lauren |

Dear Lauren,

You are right, it isn’t easy…for anyone. Parenting is one of the most challenging things here on earth, but it also one of the most rewarding. Your child will bring you more joy than you could imagine. Yes, you’ll have responsibilites…but you are doing such a wonderful thing. You are giving LIFE to this child. You are going to be fine. You have the support of your boyfriend and your parents. That will make a huge difference. It’s hard to grow up so fast…but don’t feel like your life is over. It isn’t. You can still go on to achieve all that your heart desires. You can still be all you want to be. Have you thought about the option of adoption? There are many couples out there who can’t have children of their own who want to adopt. That may be something you want to think about. Please feel free to write me anytime if you need someone to talk to. I know where you are. It isn’t easy. I’d like to help in any way I can.


Becky |

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