No, not at all.
We are mothers, just like any other mother! We are just younger, that’s all. Which doesn’t make us any less of a mother than anyone. We do not deserve a special name or even worship but we DO deserve respect. I know I have not been mean to any of you on here even though you say things like “You’re a whore.” “Give your baby up for adoption before you mess up her life” & etc. I am always polite when I respond. Why keep being so rude? Because I am young? Because I decided to keep my daughter and NOT abort her or give her up for adoption?
I see myself as a mother. Not someone special for raising my daughter that I made the decision to make! I also do not see myself as stupid, ignorant, awful, a disgrace, or anything along those lines, so why do you guys?
Being a mother is a blessing, not a curse. A lot of you call a baby a “consequence” but that is not what a baby is at all.
A baby is a gift and all mothers should cherish them.
A mother is not something you base on age. A mother is also not someone that gives birth. A mother is someone that takes care of their children and gives them the world. A mother doesn’t leave her child with just anyone because there are so many horrible people out there now-a-days. It is up to us, as mothers, to give our baby/babies the best and only the best.