School, Work, Babies, Wife, Life Is Upside Down and Side Ways, YIKES!
So my life right now is krazie. I never thought that I would be dealing with all this stuff at the age of 21… I thought I would be chillin’; going to clubs, drinking up a storm, and having freedom… For some reason today, it really hit me. I’m a MOM of 2 beautiful daughters […]

So my life right now is krazie. I never thought that I would be dealing with all this stuff at the age of 21… I thought I would be chillin’; going to clubs, drinking up a storm, and having freedom… For some reason today, it really hit me. I’m a MOM of 2 beautiful daughters and a wife to the most wonderful husband who is way older than me. Sometimes I have grudges against him because he is going to be 29 in Oct and he lived his life at 21, partied, and had the time of his life…

I’m not saying what I did was a mistake. I just should have waited… I love my kids, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I feel like this wasn’t meant for me. But then again, if it wasn’t for my kids, I would probably be dead at some hotel …. Ahhh……..I don’t know why I feel like this right now. Maybe I’m missing my grandma. She should be here watching my kids grow up and she should have been at my wedding if she could have waited another month.. Mann, I’m keeping so much in it’s not even funniee… I’m at work. It’s only 9:10 pm. I’m off at 10 pm and I want to go home NOW……….. Then I have to wake up at 5 am to get ready for school, which is another thing that is bugging me ….. I know I can do it but it’s just so time-consuming. I could be with my kids …..this is soo kraziee…

Whoever is reading this, you might be confused because I KNOW  IAM!!!!!!

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