Returned To School Because I Was Pregnant
My boyfriend went out of the room to get coffee and the doctor come in and shut the door and told me that I was pregnant.  I was speechless.  I did not know what to think.  We had only been together a couple of months and I was pregnant.  I thought for sure he was […]
StandUpGirl man kisses pregnant belly

StandUpGirl man kisses pregnant belly

My boyfriend went out of the room to get coffee and the doctor come in and shut the door and told me that I was pregnant.  I was speechless.  I did not know what to think.  We had only been together a couple of months and I was pregnant.  I thought for sure he was going to leave and I was never going to see him again and the baby wasn’t either. I knew I was keeping it either way. The baby was a part of me and it was mine. 

I told him when we got in the parking lot and I started walking away and he said Kristal stop. And I said, what?


I just visited your site for the first time.  It is amazing.  My name is Kristal, I am 23 and have wonderful son Ethan that just turned 2, January19th, 2006.  I started seeing my son’s father (my husband) Feburary 29th 2003 when I was 20.  We hit it off very strongly and I thought that our relationship was going to go somewhere.  I had never been on birth control before and in a previous relationship that I was in we had tried to conceive but it didn’t work so I knew that I wanted kids. 

 I decided to go on birth control when I got with my son’s father because I knew that I did not want kids right then, expecially, with it being a new relationship and all. 

On mother’s day just a few months later while I was on birth control I fell quite sick and thought that I had the flu. I went to the ER that morning and he was in the room with me.  The doctor asked if I could be pregnant and we both said “no” because I was on the pill.  He said he was going to run some tests for the flu and take blood.  I thought, okay, no big deal just the flu.

My boyfriend went out of the room to get coffee and the doctor come in and shut the door and told me that I was pregnant.  I was speechless.  I did not know what to think.  We had only been together a couple of months and I was pregnant.  I thought for sure he was going to leave and I was never going to see him again and the baby wasn’t either. I knew I was keeping it either way. The baby was a part of me and it was mine. 

I told him when we got in the parking lot and I started walking away and he said Kristal stop. And I said, what?, and he just hugged me so tight and smiled and said were having a baby.  He was just as happy as I am. 

When I was 7 and a half months pregnant we got married and then Ethan Wayne was born January 19th 2004 @3:59am. He was 8 pounds, 20 and half inches long.  He was beautiful and still is.  He is the love of my life.  I never thought that I could have so much love for someone.

The saying is right when it say “a mother’s love is unconditional toward her children”.

I had dropped out of school when I was 16.  When I found out that I was pregnant it encouraged me to go back to school (adult diploma program) and get my high school diploma so that I could make a life for my child. 

I am currently going to college online at AIU and will graduate with an Associates Degree in March 2007 with honors.  I then hope to further my education and receive my degree in Criminal Justice.

Every young girl thinks that life stops when you have a baby or get pregnant.  I just want to let them know that — it doesn’t! 

I am living proof.

Kristal | .


Dear Kristal,

What a beautiful story you have!! It is just so encouraging to see that,  instead of your pregnancy taking away all your dreams…it actually gave you new goals  and dreams and something to work for!! I am so happy to hear that everything is  turning out so well for you and your family. You go girl!!!


Becky | .


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