When i first found out i was pregnant i thought the world was ending and decided straight away to have an abortion. It was in january this year and i was 16 at the time and had been with my boyfriend for a year, trouble was i didn't love him like i used to as he had been violent for about 6months by then. The first time he laid his hand's on me was at his mam's bonfire night party everyone had just left and we were arguing because a girl had told me she had also been seeing him for the first three month's of my relationship with him, i didn't know what to believe so i spoke to him about it and told him i didn't know what to hink he just lost his temper and we argued he punched the wall first then he put his hand's round my neck and strangled me i was in shock. Anyway the violence carried on and got worse and worse but we stayed together. One weekend i was just at home as normal and my mam asked me if i was pregnant i said no i couldn't be but it took me by surprise and made me think. The following monday my boyfriend picked me up from work on the morning it was about half past 9 he spoke to me and he also said he tought i was pregnant and should do a test so we went to get one, i did the test in the toilet's at tesco but didn't look at the result till i got back to the car. When i saw those two lines i burst into tears and couldn't stop but my boyfriend smiled. I didn't understand how he could be happy about it, when i asked him how he felt he said he didn't know. I told him i needed to go to my mam so he took me to see her and i couldn't tell her i just kept crying but she somehow knew and just said to me your pregnant aren't you? I just nodded and she started to cry aswell, the first thing i said to her when i could manage was i know what i want to do i want an abortion, we didn't really get to speak much as she was at work so she told me to just go home. So i did and to be honest i can't remember the next two months or so i just went through life in a depressed haze. When i eventually wen't to the doctor's i kept changing my mind about if i wanted an abortion or not eventually i agreed to go and see a counsellor and when i did she told me in detail what a abortion would entail, i made up my mind for good then that i couldn't do it especially not at this stage in the pregnancy as now this was a baby not just an embryo. It was hard to accept everything going on my boyfriend was still violent towards me even though he knew i was pregnant, once he grabbing at my stomach saying that thing in there, i dont want it he left my stomach bruised and i worried for day's if the baby would be ok. I went through a terrible time i had extremely bad sickness all day and night and was in bed most of the time it lasted four month's. The day came when i had to tell my dad i was pregnant i couldn't do it though so my mam did instead and he completely lost it with me he called me alot of name's and told me i had to move out which made him and my mam argue because she said that wasn't going to happen. I had an amazing amount of support from my mam i was very lucky, i know she was disappointed that it had happened but she supported me and helped me more than i could ever thank her for. She still is my rock now and has been supportive all the way through even though i know i have been hard to deal with at time's. My family is amazing i have support from everyone except my dad he still hasn't come round although he is starting to be a little bit more accepting of the whole thing. Everyone believe's that it was meant to be as we had lost 3 close family member's in a short space of time my Grandad brian(Mam's dad) died in october 3years ago and then 18 months later my nana kathleen (mam's mam) died in may then later that year again in october my uncle (dad's brother) died at the age of 34. All of it was sudden. Then i got pregnant and my mam believe's that it's meant to be especially as the baby is due on the 22nd of october my grandad brian's birthday. I think so too and i know that my gorgeous little girl will bring a ligh into all my familie's life's not just mine. I hope my dad will start to see it in a different light when the baby does come along (im due in two day's!!) because everyone else is supportive and can't wait. My story isn't tragic or awful but the feeling's i felt and sometime's still do even with all the support are hard to deal with the derpression is a crushing weight that is really hard to lift off your shoulder's and sometime's i feel like it will smother me altogether, i don't know why i still get depressed although i believe it may be because of hormones. All in all teenage pregnancy is something i used to look at in disgust myself but now im truly ashamed of the way i judged other girl's everone make's mistake's and we all have to deal with the consequence's.
Blessed By Two Mothers
My two Mothers shared gifts of life and love,...