Hi i am Baylie this is my story i had a boy friend and i loveed loved him he was the one we where at his football game and he made a tochdown and won the game and we stoped at a motel to stay the night me not nowing that he was dateing a girl yonger than me and not nowing she was my bestfriend then we stayed the night together in the motel and something happend i am to scared to say so you now the next day was prom and we when together and when i went to the bathroom my boy friend started danceing with my bestfriend whan i came out thay where kissing and i left pissed i whent home had a hot bath and go to the bathroom the next mounth was my cheack up when i whent to the dr he said i was pregnet and that i was 1 mounth pregnet then when i when home my boy friend called and said he was on his way over when he got there i told him i was pregnuet then he left me all alone to cry by my self and on my due date he said i was a b*** and i had no right to be with him.
Blessed By Two Mothers
My two Mothers shared gifts of life and love,...