Please Help
Okay, so here is my story. I need advice on what to do and if I’m making the right choices: I am 17. I have been on the depo shot for 3 years. I have been off now 6 months or so and I had a one-day period on Aug 16th and that was all. […]

Okay, so here is my story. I need advice on what to do and if I’m making the right choices:

I am 17. I have been on the depo shot for 3 years. I have been off now 6 months or so and I had a one-day period on Aug 16th and that was all. Then on September 3rd, I had what some people told me was ovulation and had unprotected sex. Then the next day, I started spotting for 4 days off and on and the next week. Afterward, I started having real bad headaches and nausea. I still have those same symptoms. Please help !!! (:

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