not this time
Hey everyone. I’m a 21-year-old single mom of an awesome two and half-year-old little boy. Since I had him, I’ve had some rough times which I ended up having not one but two abortions since I had him. At the time I had each of them, I thought I was doing the right thing considering […]

Hey everyone. I’m a 21-year-old single mom of an awesome two and half-year-old little boy. Since I had him, I’ve had some rough times which I ended up having not one but two abortions since I had him.

At the time I had each of them, I thought I was doing the right thing considering the situations I was in and how everyone around me like the guy kept telling me it was the right thing to do. Yet when I’m alone sometimes, I start thinking or I see my son’s baby pictures and I think to myself how I could have two other amazing kids running around. But I keep my head high and keep doing what I am, not letting my past decisions keep me down.

I have recently found out that I’m pregnant again, only four weeks along actually, and the father asked me to do what’s best and not have the child. I mean, I gave it some thought but I know that I can’t put myself through that again. I’ll never forget the past two and do not want feel the emptiness inside again. cause its not a form of birth control like some guys think it, nothing. Well to them, maybe not, but they don’t feel that empty feeling inside after it’s done.

Anyways I guess I just wanted to share with everyone that I was pregnant again! And due around mid March. I have read many stories and such from this site in the past few years and everyone’s stories have really helped me along the way.

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