New York News
Update!Teka’s baby arrives on Inside Edition. We were at a party and both of us got really drunk, which led to us having sex. 4 weeks after that date I got a positive on my pregnancy test. We were in shock [and] both our parents were shocked. You see, I was going into my senior […]
StandUpGirl girl with three girls in background

StandUpGirl girl with three girls in background

Teka’s baby arrives on Inside Edition.

We were at a party and both of us got really drunk, which led to us having sex. 4 weeks after that date I got a positive on my pregnancy test. We were in shock [and] both our parents were shocked.

You see, I was going into my senior year of high school, and my boyfriend was going to be a junior. Both of us were REALLY unprepared for anything to happen.

Hello Meg,

The summer of 2007 I found out I was pregnant. My boyfriend and I had had a feeling that I was. We were at a party and both of us got really drunk, which led to us having sex. 4 weeks after that date I was holding in my hand a positive pregnancy test. We were in shock at first, but decided to keep the baby no matter what. Both our parents were shocked and disappointed, but put all of it aside and started helping us with our long journey ahead.

You see, I was going into my senior year of high school, and my boyfriend was going to be a junior. So both of us were REALLY unprepared for anything to happen.

All our friends asked us why not get an abortion or give it up for adoption?

So why not give it up for abortion?? Yes, it was a thought that briefly crossed our minds, but was quickly thrown out. Yes being young and having a child is A LOT of responsibility, but we both couldn’t live with the fact that one day when we were older and settling down, remembering that we had “gotten rid of” our child. Killing the baby for our mistake was not an answer.

So why not adoption?

As for me being the mom, I didn’t want to have to go through the 9 months of caring the child, getting attached to her. The baby knowing the sound of my voice, my way to sooth her, and then all of sudden give her to someone she doesn’t even know. Even the thought of maybe being able to still get visitations with her was heart wrenching. To everytime I see her, know that she really was mine and that I let her down by giving her to someone else.

Go read my story on Good Morning America

Go see my video on Good Morning America

Teka’s baby arrives on Inside Edition.

But sometimes adoption for some girls is a lot better than abortion. I would much rather have my baby adopted and know she was going to a good home with love and care, to a family that can provide for her than I can.

Sure I have had tough times. No doubt, I’m still enrolled in my high school and taking a full schedule, including an early morning weight training class. My friends have sorta separated themselves from me, just because we have nothing to relate to anymore.

They are still teens and will be until they have children of their own. I have a greater responsibility that takes priority over hanging out with my friends.

And I have learned that the only true Person I can lean on and trust is Jesus. Yes, my friends and family are supportive, but they dont know what I’m going through or how I have felt.

Everytime I have a need or an emotional break down that they cannot do anything about I run to Him.

Ealier this year I had the opportunity to apprear on Good Morning America for Teen Pregnancy (thank you Standupgirl for the opportunity). It was an amazing experience. Just to see other teen moms, going through what I was going through. They have most of the same stuggles.

It was great for us to let the world know that just because you made a mistake one time, does not mean you should dwell on it and think you have nothing else to live for. also not to take that mistake out on the baby you are carrying.

Anyway all this is to say keeping your baby is so much more of a blessing then “getting rid of it.” She loves you as soon as her heart starts beating. You are their whole world.



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