My Story
Hi, I am 18 years old and I am a mother of two. I have a little boy named Jamier and a little girl named Je’Zariah and I am a single mom. I got kicked out of my house when I got pregnant with my daughter. My boyfriend left after I told him I was […]

Hi, I am 18 years old and I am a mother of two. I have a little boy named Jamier and a little girl named Je’Zariah and I am a single mom.

I got kicked out of my house when I got pregnant with my daughter. My boyfriend left after I told him I was pregnant again. I am struggling but I am doing the best I can for me and my kids. My son right now is going through the terrible twos so I have my hands full with him. Also, my daughter is teething so I have a lot going on.

I just want to let anybody know if they ever need any advice, I would be happy to give it. I was 15 when I got pregnant with my son and 16 when I had him. I was still 16 when I got pregnant with my daughter and had her at 17. Now my son will be 2, December 2nd, and my daughter is 7 months.

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