My Story

by | 2008 | Real Stories

I am 13 and in 2007 I was raped.I was REALLY late for my pd. I was 3 MONTHS late!! So me and my mum went in for a pregnancy test and of coarse….I was pregnant!!! My mum automatically got me an  ; appointment for an abortion. I still regret it to this day. For […]

I am 13 and in 2007 I was raped.I was REALLY late for my pd. I was 3 MONTHS late!! So me and my mum went in for a pregnancy test and of coarse….I was pregnant!!! My mum automatically got me an  ; appointment for an abortion. I still regret it to this day. For the first 6 months after that I cut myself. I relize that know because I was put in a foster home and a crisis unit for a couple months. If anyone needs to talk about deciding to get an abortion or not. I’m here.



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