My Story . . .

by | 2009 | Real Stories

I didn't have a clue what to write in the blog so i thought id share my story, at first i was embarressed of how my life has gone but this website has made me feel less alone, and hopefully some of you may even be able to understand. I am now 17 but my […]

I didn't have a clue what to write in the blog so i thought id share my story, at first i was embarressed of how my life has gone but this website has made me feel less alone, and hopefully some of you may even be able to understand.

I am now 17 but my storey started when i was 15, i thought i had met the love at my life at the age of 13, head over heels in love wasnt the words. We was together on and off for 3 years and then i fell pregnant and the age of 15. carrying the secret around from my parents was the hardest thing to ive ever had to do, and eventually three months later i agreed to let my midwife tell them. I got kicked out of my house and got told i was only allowed back if i had an abortion so i was staying with a freind still at school taking my exams i was desperate, then i got some bad news my boyfreind had been arrested and was facing 5 years. all i could was carry on and thats what i did. i wouldnt let nothing get me down and i was so determined to carry on because i knew the minute i held this baby it would be all worth it. 2 more hard months passed and it was time for 5 month scan, my freinds mum came along for support and then the news was delieverd to me, my baby had died and had passed away around two weeks ago. my whole world turned upside down, was it my fault? how was i going to tell the father? whats going to happen next?

The next day, 1s august 2008 at 8.20pm i gave birth to a perfect baby boy. my mum let me home but it wasnt the same. ever since me and my mum havnt been the same. but anyway on with my storey, my due date passed, the year anniversary passed and i felt so alone, no body remembered that it was exactly a year later my precious baby boy was born.

april 2009 i met somebody, the most amazing boy ive ever met, so kind and loving and everything i needed, however on july 3rd 2009 i found out to my suprise that im having his baby, terified that the same will happen again tho blessed to be carrying another child my mum kicked me out again and now im back home. i know im getting judged 17 and second pregnancy but my boyfreind has stuck by me and hes working every hour to get us by and he does the best he can do for me and i cant ask for no more. i am currently 14 weeks pregnant, excited and happy that ive been given a second chance. but i am disspointed i cant fufil my dreams as soon as i wanted to but i know im going to the best mother i can be to this baby and thats all all of us can do.

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