My name is Gena,I'm 18 and I found out I was pregnant the day before thanksgiving this past year. I was living with my boyfriend. When he found out we were happy but we knew what was going to happen both of our families had told us if we got pregnant before we got married in August that we whould have to abort the baby or move the wedding up! I didn't want to move the wedding up because I wasn't ready to get married.But I listened to everybody telling me I had to either abort or get married so when I was seven weeks pregnant. I went to have my baby aborted but before I did I asked if it had a heartbeat. The lady smiled and said yes it does. And then she said lay back and we'll get this over with.I looked at my boyfriend and he was in shock that she was going to do it when it had a heartbeat and was a living baby.He grabed my hand and told me "He loved me and we chouldn't kill a living peice of me and him!" I got dressed and we left.The next day I went to the doctor and I got to hear MY baby's heartbeat.We got married not long after that.We got married on December 22, 2007.I am 21 weeks now and I am glad Ididn't go though with aborting my baby.I just want to tell all of the girls on your site. Don't do what other people want you to do.I read the stories on the site of girls feeling like they have no choice I felt like I was getting pushed into aborting my baby.But I chouldn't when I found out that a baby has a heart beat at 3 to 4 weeks old.And I will never forget the feeling I feel when I feel my baby kick inside of me.In Just 18 more weeks I will have a little girl or boy.My husband works 7 days a week now to pay for everything it is hard but everytime he hears his babys heartbeat he just smiles and says thats our baby, And it is all worth it!! Never give up on a life you have inside you. It is the most wonderful thing in the world!I hope my story helps someone else like the stories I have read helped me. Thanks
He’s home. My baby boy is finally home!
After 8 long weeks in the hospital, our son has...