I started talking to this boy I met in January. We used to hang out every single day so we decided to go on a date to catch up. I told him I had a baby now, and told him about my ex and everything else that had happened since we stopped talking.
He was shocked that I had a baby, but he wanted to meet her so I brought him back to my house. He absolutely loved her.
We started hanging out all the time and he asked me to be his girlfriend.
I asked him if it would be weird since I had a baby and he said that he doesn’t care if it was his or not. He would treat her like she was his, no matter what.
She loves him. Every time she sees him, she giggles and smiles the whole time.
A few months later, he proposed and I said Yes!
About a week ago, he was talking about when he left for basic training and was joking about me being pregnant and he said that he would be happy if I was… I was like well, squish that thought because it’s not gonna happen!
The very next morning… I got sick. He looked at me, laughed, and said “Told you”. I said I’m not pregnant, I’m just sick. But then I realized my boobs had been hurting too. I told him I was going to get food and got 2 tests. I took 1 when I got home and it was negative. I threw it at him and said told you…
4th of July, we were going to have a HUGE party. (I never party. I’m ALWAYS with my daughter. I haven’t had a night without her since she was born.) So I was going to drink. She was going to be with his mom and sisters so I knew she would be safe. I woke up 4th of July and went to the bathroom and there was a light red/pink color blood in my panties. So just for the hell of it, I took the other test to be safe since I was going to be drinking that night…POSITIVE!
So, for the first 4 months of this pregnancy, I’ll be alone! 🙁