My story

by | 2010 | Real Stories

So, I am not a big blogger but here it goes. I am missin my two year old son, so much. I got pregnant at the age of fourteen and found out 9 days before my 15 birthday. I had him September 24,2007. His name is Ja’ziah. I had him while living in a home […]

So, I am not a big blogger but here it goes.

I am missin my two year old son, so much.

I got pregnant at the age of fourteen and found out 9 days before my 15 birthday. I had him September 24,2007. His name is Ja’ziah. I had him while living in a home for young mothers. I stayed there until he was 3 months then he went on a temporary placement due to my lack of stability at my mothers home, now let me tell you she is an alcoholic. I went back to that home when he was 6 months then stayed again until he was a little over one. We tried to move in with my mom but her drinking was so bad he got stressed because I was stressed and Daddy couldn’t be around because my mom had placed a protection from abuse order on him, so he was pounding his head off of walls, his crib, the floor, the bathtub, my godness. Thats when I decided he needed a better home. So his auntie took him for a while then these wonderful people came in the picture and wanted to adopt him. His adoption has been finalized for about 1.5 months now. I miss him. I only get a picture here and there. Hes so big now. Talks a mile a minute I guess. His auntie still sees him but I don’t and it hurts that it was supposed to be a open adoption! I can’t help but to cry and ramble.

Please forgive me as I am new to this. thanks

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