Well, I’m 16 and I’m having a baby. I’m only 9 weeks along, but everything is changing.
I’m always feeling sick and tired and I’m always mad lol. I found out that I was pregnant 2 weeks ago. I didn’t really expect to be pregnant because my periods are irregular and me and my boyfriend were safe. But one day, I arrived at school and started to feel really sick. So I ran to the bathroom and puked. After that, I was very worried so I talked to my boyfriend and he didn’t believe me. The next day, my mom started to notice that I’ve been feeling really sick and tired. So she asked me if I was pregnant and I started to cry ( that was a dead give way lol). My mom brought me a pregnancy test and it came out positive. I was soooooooo scared. I didn’t know what to do. I am an honor roll student, school was my life. I never miss days of school and I’m only a junior. I told my boyfriend and he was a little scared but he straight out told me that he wanted to keep the baby. That he will take care of me and our soon-to-be baby. He has a job and works all the time now. His mom at first wasn’t very happy and she told me to get a abortion. At the time, I was already considering it, because i never wanted kids. But my mom doesn’t believe in that so she wouldn’t let me get one. I thought it over and decided that this baby isn’t going to ruin my life. I can still go to school and I can still go to collage. It will be tough, but I can do it. So I made my decision to keep the little baby that is growing inside me.
I know this is going to be very hard because my sister was pregnant at 16 and I have seen how hard it was for her, but she made it through alive and so can I.