My Parents Were Unable To Handle It
Hey Becky, I have a story to tell that I hope will encourage the many girls out there. When I was 16 and in 11th grade I became pregnant (in January), I was dating a wonderful guy and he was very supportive. I come from a Christian home, so when I told my parents they […]
I saved my twins

Hey Becky, I have a story to tell that I hope will encourage the many girls out there.
When I was 16 and in 11th grade I became pregnant (in January), I was dating a wonderful guy and he was very supportive. I come from a Christian home, so when I told my parents they blew up, I remember crying & saying how sorry i was, we of course had to tell his family, and they were less angry. I ended up having to go out & buy everything with my boyfriend because my parents were unable to handle it, I was so hurt & confused that my parents could just ignore me like that & I soon became very close w/ my boyfriend. We bought everything together & took it to my house.

My friends were supportive of me, and I ended up talking to my school, I decided to do out of home schooling w/ my school, teaching myself the lessons, & sending them back in w/ my boyfriend. But i was dealt a suprise shortly during one of my doctor sessions I found out I was having twins. I didn’t want to know the sex of my babies but went back out into the store & bought double what I already had.

When summer finally came around I was ready for a break, the morning sickness, depression, & the feeling of being dirty fat & ugly was overwhelming, I somehow got through it all to start the next year of school. I was so happy to be able to still be in school and be pregant. I had my babies ( a boy & a girl) and cared for them while still doing school, my sister soon became the babysitter, so i could finish my senior year. I ended up marrying my boyfriend, and having my 2 babies Mark & Adanna, and finished high school.

Those of you who think of ever having an abortion, think of your baby first, they deserve to live. I am in college now & my babies are perfectly healthy & so am I, & most of all my now husband is still w/ me. Maybe in a few years I’ll have another baby, but I am so gald I never had an abortion, I’m just thinking of all I would’ve missed with out them.


Dear Danielle,

Your story is very encouraging. You found yourself in a difficult situation and, with the help of your boyfriend, you rose to the occasion and did what you knew to be right. You truly are a standupgirl!

Twins! Wow! That must have been a shocker! Your job is harder, but they will enjoy having each other to grow up with. Every twin I know, just loves being a twin! I know I always wanted one.

It is so wonderful to hear that you were able to finish school and get married. I’m sure that will be an inspiration to many girls who visit the website. Many girls feel like they’ll have to give all that up if they decide to have their baby. Keep up the good work, you are doing great!


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