mommy loves you

by | 2008 | Real Stories

to my unborn child, first thing first i want yu to know that mommy loves yu very much and no matter what happens yu will always have my heart…things are alittle rough right now. i try not to stress myself because i don't want to harm yu. me and your father has been getting into […]

to my unborn child,

first thing first i want yu to know that mommy loves yu very much and no matter what happens yu will always have my heart…things are alittle rough right now. i try not to stress myself because i don't want to harm yu. me and your father has been getting into it alot lately.. he doesn't want me to have yu.. in his mind it's either yu or him.. but i chose yu becuz guys will come and  go but yu are my flesh and blood and i will not let anything or anyone hurt yu.. yes yu are very painful but feeling yu move around inside me lets me know that yu are fine.. i really hope that yu are a boy.. i want yu to be a way better man then your father.. and if yu turn out to be a gurl. yu will be mommy's princess and i will teach yu to be better then me. i don't want yu making the same mistakes i did.. i know i am going to miss out on alot.. this is my senior year of high school.. the best year ever.. but the fun can wait becuz i have a child that needs me.. everyone says that i should just abort yu but i tell's them that it is easy for them to tell me to get rid of yu but if they was in my position it would be hard.. well i doubt if your father be around but i will tell yu alil about him.. he is well he was a great guy mommy really loved him..[[that's how yu came along..becuz i really didn't want kids]] yu has a little sister that is adorible.. i hope one day that yu can meet them all… but even if yu don't…just know that yu has your mother yu will a wonderful godfather that really wish yu was his child.. yu will be loved by many so baby please don't think that yu are unwanted.. yu are the most amazing that that has ever happened to me i want yu to always remember that….

                                                                         love your mother

can't wait til yu get here

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