I was a virgin till I started dating this guy about 6 weeks ago. Now everything was going great, i lost it to him and then went on the pill. Didn’t feel any different till about 3 weeks ago. I started peeing a lot more, was hungry all the time, my back hurt, and my boobs were getting bigger, had a horrible taste in my mouth (which is still there) and I had light bleeding and cramping like I was on my period which had been two weeks beforehand. My friend told me I might be pregnant because we were having unprotected sex while I was taking the pill and had been drinking alcohol the same nights. I left it for a week before I went away to my parent’s place then I told him the night before I left, and he got really mad and dumped me for not wanting to abort the baby if I turned out to be pregnant. It’s now two days away from when I’m meant to have my period. I haven’t taken the pill in almost 2 weeks and I still feel the same. Can anyone tell me if I am pregnant or not? I’m really confused and worried.
Blessed By Two Mothers
My two Mothers shared gifts of life and love,...