Made a mistake
Alright, so I know that people make mistakes. But are they not supposed to learn from them? I always thought I did good by not repeating the same mistake twice. I always learned. I have made this mistake once before but I didn’t end up dealing with it. I had unprotected sex once before and […]

Alright, so I know that people make mistakes. But are they not supposed to learn from them?

I always thought I did good by not repeating the same mistake twice. I always learned. I have made this mistake once before but I didn’t end up dealing with it. I had unprotected sex once before and I did it because I believed the guy loved me and we would be together forever. Let me tell you, that was a mistake. I recently did the same thing again. Because once again, I thought I would be with the guy forever. Boy, was I wrong. I have never been so upset with myself as to the day he left me. So, he left and we were done. Then a couple weeks ago, my period came. 3 days late and it was very light and only stayed for two days. I have never had a delayed period and it’s always normal-never light, and it always lasts 5-6 days. I started birth control the day after I had unprotected sex…and am now wondering if I’m pregnant. I know it’s not the birth control because I was on it once before and nothing happened. I’ve been crampy and nauseous for the past two weeks. I’m getting even more nervous since my period mishap.

I don’t know what to do…And if I am how do I tell the dad? What about my family?? :'(

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