I feel alone… I almost can’t stand how alone I feel… It’s like my heart is broken… My closest friends just up and left the moment they found out I’m pregnant. I mean some were already drifting away, but it was like when they found out it was like the perfect excuse to leave, and […]

I feel alone… I almost can’t stand how alone I feel…

It’s like my heart is broken… My closest friends just up and left the moment they found out I’m pregnant. I mean some were already drifting away, but it was like when they found out it was like the perfect excuse to leave, and now I feel like I have no one… I should be happy I’m going to be a mom and have a beautiful baby… But instead, I sit in my room… all day… crying at night.. just feeling alone. Yes, I have my boyfriend and my family and they try to help, but I just feel alone…. I don’t talk to anyone anymore. I don’t have friends. I don’t do anything because I’m never invited anymore and they never text or call me back… It’s like no one wants to hang out with the pregnant girl… I feel like the outsider. No offense, but I feel like the kid that gets picked last… or that no one wants on their team… All I do is cry at night and it’s just hard,…

I’m just soo lonely…. it feels like it’s breaking me down,,.

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