I have my first ultrasound next Tuesday to figure out a due date. Afterwards I'll be making an appointment for my second ultrasound to find out the sex, very exciting! In the past week I've realised a lot. I got my blood taken for the first unpleasant time and felt like I would get sick or pass out, which is teaching me that in order for something good to happen sometimes you have to go through hell before you get there. I've been thrown a few curve balls from my boyfriend, friends and myself which is teaching me to take things as they come because what's done is done and you can't plan life. I've been working on my apartment with girlfriends which is teaching me to live my life for another tiny soul. I used to be such a patient and loving person and over the years of broken hearts and dreams I've dropped it somewhere along the road of life and haven't yet come across it. What I thought to be such a terrible thing in the beginning has taken a U-turn. My little angel inside of me has somehow found my patience and love, picked it up in their tiny palm and is offering it back to me. As days turn to weeks and weeks to months, I'm regaining my patience and love thanks to my little angel. I know I have a lot of learning to do, and my angel is showing me as we go along this journey together, hand in hand, heart in heart.
Blessed By Two Mothers
My two Mothers shared gifts of life and love,...