OK, so the night before I had the baby, Sep 11, I could not sleep. I kept getting period cramps and I just felt so uncomfortable… I was 37 weeks 6 days… When I finally got up, September 12, around 7 in the morning, I felt a big gush and out came my water… I was shocked and surprised because I was wondering when it would occur and I was thinking it would never happen and I would be prego forever. lol
Anyways, I got dressed, called my mom and my boyfriend, and told them to head to the hospital cuz I was going into labor… I was so scared. I walked to the hospital since I live 2 blocks away. Meanwhile, water is dripping non-stop down my leg… I get admitted around 8 am… The doc checks me and I’m 70% effaced, 1/2 cm dilated. I’m like oo no, I’ll be here forever… Anyways, contractions were coming every 5 mins but weren’t bad at all… Around 12, I get checked and I’m 80% effaced, 1cm dilated. Since it’s going by so slow, they gave me medication to help me dilate… Around 5 pm, they check me and I’m 100% effaced, 3 cm dilated and the pain is soooo frikin’ bad. I’m like the exorcist at this point. I kept getting a lot of pressure down there and I kept thinkin I needed to poop lol but nothing of course came out…. I beg for an epidural… I finally get one at 6 pm and I’m so relaxed and I fall asleep… I wake up 2 hours later at 8 pm and I get this really strong pressure down there and some pain. So I tell them I REALLY need to push so they check me and to everyone’s surprise, I’m 10cm dilated!! Yaiihhh. So they set everything up and tell me to push… I literally pushed for about 10 mins and she came out…Iit was the best experience ever to finally hold her and see her… The first thing I said to her was FINALLY! lol
Well girls, that’s it for now :O) I’m enjoying my little princess. She’s a month old today. How time flies :O)