Kelsi – Not Worth It
Ya, I thought having sex with him was worth it. Like, I thought we felt the same way about each other. But, I guess not. The few seconds of pleasure are not worth the forever pain, depression, feeling of loss, embarrassment, guilt, shame, and regret that it brings. Not to mention the anxiety of “WHAT […]

Ya, I thought having sex with him was worth it.

Like, I thought we felt the same way about each other. But, I guess not. The few seconds of pleasure are not worth the forever pain, depression, feeling of loss, embarrassment, guilt, shame, and regret that it brings. Not to mention the anxiety of “WHAT IF I’M PREGNANT? OR WHAT IF I HAVE A STD?” Well, it’s been a month exactly since that night.

And I am so upset, but I know I’m not pregnant.

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