January schedule.
January 4th- 9:00 Am O.B Appointment, Stress test, and Sonogram January 7th- 9:00 Am Stress Test and Sonogram January 11th- 2:45 and 3:15 Pm Regular O.B appointment, Stress test, and Sonogram January 14th- 9:00 Am Stress test and Sonogram January 15th- 9:oo Am Pre Op appointment January 18th- 8:50 CSection. I GET TO MEET MY LITTLE […]

January 4th- 9:00 Am O.B Appointment, Stress test, and Sonogram

January 7th- 9:00 Am Stress Test and Sonogram
January 11th- 2:45 and 3:15 Pm Regular O.B appointment, Stress test, and Sonogram

January 14th- 9:00 Am Stress test and Sonogram

January 15th- 9:oo Am Pre Op appointment

January 18th- 8:50 CSection. I GET TO MEET MY LITTLE GIRL!!!!  Stay in Hospital

January 19th- Stay in Hospital

January 20th- Stay in Hospital

January 21st- GO HOME?!

This is just something I want to remember years down, I have it written in two planners already, haha. =]]

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