Hi, I am 16 years old. I had an abortion when I was 15 years old when I was 6 months in and it was the worst day of my life.
I didn’t tell my mum or dad and it was so hard to hide it. They kept on saying are you sure you’re well enough to go to school because I kept on being sick and I guess they didn’t think anything like that would of been the problem. It’s been 5 months now since I had the abortion and if I could go back, I would never of gone and I would have her in my arms now. I look at the ultrasound scan of 6 months a week before the abortion i had a scan and I look at it every day and it makes me cry.
But I have a msg to girls who get pregnant being a teen, be strong and do what’s right at the time and tell your parents. At the time, I couldn’t of coped with having a daughter, but me and my boyfriend did stick together and we’ve been together for 19 months now 🙂 So you must not be scared and do what’s right by you.
Thanks xo
R.I.P Sasha-Lou II, I miss you everyday and I love you to bits! You would of made me the proudest person to walk into a room with you in my arms and no one could ever take you off me. I’m so sorry for what I did to you and that you never got to live your life. R.I.P 10/4/08-9/9/08. Happy Birthday 11.1.09 I love you, princess.
All my love, mummy & daddy.