I really dont want to have an abortion but I know there is no way to support these babies. But the thing that make this even harder for me than ever before is that I have been told since i was 15 that i could never have children naturally and now i get pregnant with twins! TWINS of all things and there Fraternal twins not identical i cant believe this is happening to me. all I want to do anymore is cry. I understand that this is my choice but what about there dad, me and him are dating but i could not keep them with out him being extremely unhappy with me. i tell him continuously that i want to go through with the pregnancy but he just looks at me with this sad sad look and i know that this can not happen. I just hate feeling helpless, helpless and me do not go hand in hand. things just suck right now and i wish i new what to do about it.
im 8 weeks and 2 days along with twins.
I really dont want to have an abortion but I know there is no way to support these babies. But the thing that make this even harder for me than ever before is that I have been told since i was 15 that i could never have children naturally and now i get pregnant with […]
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