i recently found out i was just 1 month pregnant im 14 turning 15 in june. the father/myboyfriend who is 15 turning 16 in september doesnt want me to ave the baby he wants me to get an abortion he just doesnt understand why i dont want to. i told my mom and she wasnt mad at me but she wants me to have an abortion to but i dont want to, i want to have the baby ive looked at many sites trying to keep an open mind to any other options but i want to stick with having it . i have been thinking about going to a school called Louise Dean for pregnant teenagers i think it would help alot but im till not sure what to do im scared of what everyone will thinkof me the only people who actually know are my mom and my boyfriend what should i do?
Although they were personally against abortion
Jen grew up to be a stunningly beautiful girl....