if i could only
if i could only see your face baby i would rest a while if i could only see your gummy toothless smile if i could only hold you while your tears fall and you wail with a deafening call if i could only be your mother one more time   if i could only wipe […]

if i could only see your face baby i would rest a while

if i could only see your gummy toothless smile

if i could only hold you while your tears fall

and you wail with a deafening call

if i could only be your mother one more time


if i could only wipe your face when you have face paint made of food

if i could only teach you how to tell the bad from the good

if i could only hold you high and call you my special little child

if i could only hold those little hands a while

if i could only be your mother one more time


you left before we had a life together

you left before we had met one another

i would give my everything and  anything i could possibly do

i would find everything i had and give it straight to you

if i could only be your  mother one more time

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