iam not to show about this i need help
OK, I really need a friend to talk to that has been through this same situation. I am 18 years old and I have a loving boyfriend. We both are ready for a child, but it seems that my period comes on and test are negative but I feel like I am. My breasts were […]

OK, I really need a friend to talk to that has been through this same situation.

I am 18 years old and I have a loving boyfriend. We both are ready for a child, but it seems that my period comes on and test are negative but I feel like I am. My breasts were so sore for like 2 weeks now. They’re very itchy and my period is on but I still don’t know. I feel sick sometimes throughout the day. I haven’t started vomiting yet so I am very unsure but my boyfriend has been sick.

OK can someone Please give me some further answers…..

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