i wish there was a quick answer..

by | 2010 | Real Stories

i am on birthcontrol, but iv had unprotected sex alot.  the past few weeks iv felt really weird, my way of explaining it is when you have a hose in a pool, against the side feels like what is happening inside my stomach my stomach has been hurting and i use to be skinny but […]

i am on birthcontrol, but iv had unprotected sex alot.  the past few weeks iv felt really weird, my way of explaining it is when you have a hose in a pool, against the side feels like what is happening inside my stomach my stomach has been hurting and i use to be skinny but now it pops out a little bit, been very dizzy and i need to go to the doctors sometime this week. iv been getting sick lately and i dont kno whats going on, with i could just get a quick answer right now.

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