I thought He Loved Me

by | 2008 | Real Stories

I thought he loved me!! I was 14 years when we first started datine. I had just brokenup with a recent boyfriend. I had no intention of getting into something deep, and I had no clue it was going to happen. He was my formernext door neghbor, he was a bully towards me. I hated […]

I thought he loved me!!

I was 14 years when we first started datine. I had just broken
up with a recent boyfriend. I had no intention of getting into something
deep, and I had no clue it was going to happen. He was my former
next door neghbor, he was a bully towards me. I hated him
when I was younger, all the tortue had had put me through,
made me think never to be friend him ever.(remember never
say never). So westarted messing around and it was
great, he was real nice(I had thought he had changed) We
were just fooling around until the next month came and fooling
around became like, like became love.(Oh so I thought)
Six months into the relationship, I'm pregnant(It was planned)
I had just turned 15 years old and I was prego. 5 years
later, been 5 year way too long. Alot has happen my son
three now I'm on my own. We had been togther on and off
for 5 years and he had cheayed, beated, and betrayed
me in every way possible. I had just moved into my own
place and I had even given him a chance to be here with
us as a family. I had given him a chance, and after a year
being he had betrayed me(not surprised). He was with
some other girl this whole time, and had gotten her pregnant
just recently. It hurts it really does, but their nothing I can do
now. All I can do is live one day at a time, with GOD by my
side. Love will come one day, and will not hurt. Yeah I wish
I had that family with both parents, but I realized everything
doesn't always go your way.  ………………..Maddii3

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