I miss you really bad… When I read stories, I never knew the extensity of that phrase.
Today, you should be 2 months old and I should be verry happy, I’m verry proud of you. I always remember the time that we had together. I remember each day, each little thing I had with you, when you were inside me was amazing. I only wanted to meet you, to see your little face, to hold you. I wanted to make you happy and proud of Mommy, just as I have done with your little brother. Then when you were born, I was really scared but happy because I could see you and I knew how strong you were. Each day, you make me happy with your happiness. Each day, I was really tired but I was with you, even when it’s hard see you like that, you were my reason. You were with me during pregnancy and for a month and a week after, you are part of me…
At the age of one month and a week, you were taken by God, to see his face. You maybe were smiling and happy, after all you have to been through. I could see the peace in your face while at your funeral
I have talk to some ladies that have lost their babies. Maybe you make those babies your friends and play with them, you were really happy and friendly.
You should know that my hair was my life, it was some of the most beautiful things I had. The day after your funeral, I cut it. You take my life with you. I promise you I will look different, but my hair doesn’t include it. All I wanted was to look at the mirror and see someone else, not the one who cried at her little treasure’s death.
I’m scared of everything I do, but most of drive. Its the second day of the week and I almost crash like 5 times, my mind its thinking of you or even worse its in blank, I feel lost…
14/MAY/09 – 22/JUN/09