I Managed To Stand Tall
  Dear Becky, Hi! Call me Rachel. Im 20 years old now. I got pregnant when I was 18. I want to share this story to let other girls know that abortion will never help. It may help you get through the scandals but it will never give you a peace of mind. Abortion will […]
smelling rose


smelling roseDear Becky,

Hi! Call me Rachel. Im 20 years old now. I got pregnant when I was 18. I want to share this story to let other girls know that abortion will never help. It may help you get through the scandals but it will never give you a peace of mind. Abortion will deprive an innocent baby his right to live.

When I was a child, I wrote in my diary that I wanted to have a child when I was 18 years old. It happened…at 18 I got pregnant by my boyfriend of 5 years. I knew that I was pregnant when I took a pregnancy test in a shopping mall. I was with my college friends then and we were playing video games (as we always did during free time). When the test came out positive I felt so nervous but so happy. I told my friend about it and they didn’t believe me until they saw the ultrasound result after a month. The picture on the ultrasound made me cry because I knew that deep inside me was a live baby made out of love.

After seeing a doctor and confirming that I was 9 weeks pregnant, I thought of how to tell my family and boyfriend about it. I told my boyfriend first and he was upset. At first he wanted me to take an abortion pill but I refused to. I loved this baby growing inside me and I promised to fight for it. I told my family about it through a letter. At first they were very mad at me. My mother cried a lot and so did my sisters. My father didn’t say anything to me. I couldn’t look them in the eyes. I felt really ashamed. A sister of mine suggested an abortion. This sister of mine blamed me and told me that I would be a disgrace to the family.

I was considered the most intelligent in the family because I graduated in elementary and high school as a valedictorian. I was a scholar in college and pursuing an engineeering course. My family was not expecting me to think about having sex outside marriage, but what was done was done, right?! I couldn’t afford to lose my baby and I so I didn’t agree to have an abortion. My parents planned to take me to province and to stop my studies. But I didn’t. I continued to go to school with a bulky stomach. Some of my classmates criticized me but I managed to stand tall and pass all my exams. I was a dean’s lister and I was pregnant. I didn’t lose my scholarship either. I stood tall and I was proud that I was going to be a mom soon.

My boyfriend was very supportive all through out my pregnancy and so was his family. He proposed marriage but I said no. I told him that I would not marry because I still have an unfinished mission for my family.

When I gave birth I had turned 19. I was going to school everyday and thank GOD that I started having labor at 1am at home. The baby was born at 5am that same day. A healthy, 8 pounds baby girl. My mother was very supportive as well.

After 1 week of giving birth I returned to school. My postnatal stitches were still fresh and aching but I managed to go to school and take the exams I had missed. Now I am graduating with my bachelor’s degree with a 1 year and 4 months old baby. I am planning to get my masters afterward but marriage is still not on my plans. I still have to help my family and my sisters and brother.

My advice to all the girls ou there is that in whatever you do, always let your conscience be your guide. And remember, it is never too late to be what you might have been. Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. Thank you so much.

Rachel |

Dear Rachel,

Thank you for sharing your story. It is so inspiring to hear of how you were able to be strong and make the right decision, even though you didn’t have much support at first. I think a lot of the time girls choose to have an abortion because of fear. They think that they will be rejected by their family and friends and they can’t deal with that….they don’t want to go through alone. Nine times out of ten, however, once their friends and family get over the initial shock and disappointment, they end up being very loving and supportive. That’s what happened to me. I was so afraid that my dad was going to disown me. I seriously was. He really lost it when I broke the news to my parents that I was pregnant. He called me and my boyfriend every name in the book…but that was his “knee-jerk” reaction. After he cooled off for a bit, though, he became a huge support. My mom just held me while I cried and she continued to support me through my pregnancy and beyond.

It is so awesome that you were able to continue to do well in your studies and finish your degree! Many girls who face unexpected pregnancies think that their life is over…that they have to give up on all their dreams. You have shown us that that just isn’t true…you can be all that you ever hoped to be and more!! Thank you for this encouraging example!

Congratulations on your little girl. May you blessed with much happiness in the years ahead.




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