I Just dont know what to do….

by | 2008 | Real Stories

This is an update from my last forum post…  I dont know what to do anymore, I want to do the right thing, I want my baby to be happy, but i want to be happy too…See all my life ive been living trying make everyone else happy (maybe thats why im anorexic)…woring so hard […]

This is an update from my last forum post…

 I dont know what to do anymore, I want to do the right thing, I want my baby to be happy, but i want to be happy too…See all my life ive been living trying make everyone else happy (maybe thats why im anorexic)…woring so hard to make everything easy for everyone else, im really really sensitive, and i worry a lot from other peoples feelings … So this thing with my boyfriend…Ive been working so hard to make him happy , tham im forgetting all about my happiness….And even though hes been a jerk, weve been through a lot of things together and hes a great dad, that sometimes im really scared to lose him, but theres other times when i dont know if i still love him…Sometimes i wish he had dumped me when i told him i was preg…

He may come today to mi house , and i dont know what would happen, i would have a serious chat with him, i will ask him for the last time if he still loves me…If he says no…Well ill try to figure out how to continue my life having to see his face everytime he wants to see our baby while my heart brokens in a thousand pieces…

If he says yes, im going to tell him that if its true, that if he really loves me and respects me,,, he'll wait until we get married to have sex, well actually to make love,(for me its not the same thing) and ill told him that if wants this relationship to work out that he has to respect me, hes has to stop all that crap he's been telling me…

 Well see how all this ends, ill keep all of you updated , any advice would be gradly accepted

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