I am so tired!
Well, I’m now 4 months and I just found out I’m having a girl :D! I chose a name for her, her daddy doesn’t even want to know about her. Iย  fear he never will. He already has a daughter and sees her all the time, so why should ours be any different? I’m so […]

Well, I’m now 4 months and I just found out I’m having a girl :D! I chose a name for her, her daddy doesn’t even want to know about her. Iย  fear he never will. He already has a daughter and sees her all the time, so why should ours be any different? I’m so tired of his crap. Why can’t he just grow up and admit to his mistake like I did? I hope one day, he asks to see her, and you know what I’m going to let him so he can see what he’s missed out on! But one fear I have is that she will make all the same mistakes I did, and I don’t want this for her!

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