
by | 2007 | Real Stories

Hey πŸ™‚ Sorry i aint been on in ages just been really busy. Anyway me and my bf are still going strong and trying for the baby we so desperately want but as yet we haven't had any joy. πŸ™  Sad i know but were hanging on in there. Its been about 4 1/2 months […]

Hey πŸ™‚

Sorry i aint been on in ages just been really busy. Anyway me and my bf are still going strong and trying for the baby we so desperately want but as yet we haven't had any joy. πŸ™  Sad i know but were hanging on in there. Its been about 4 1/2 months we been trying and im starting to get really stressed but i know one day it will happen.

On a happier note my big sis gave birth to a healthy baby boy Dylon Rhyan Ciceron. It was one of the most amazing things i have ever witnessed as i was my sisters birth partner and his birth touched my heart and made me realise what a iracle having a baby is and makes me want a baby soooo much more.

Anyway got to go wish me luck with the making baby business.

Love ya Naomi xxxx

Lots of baby dust to anyone who is trying for a baby right now i know how stressful it can be.

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