ok hi every1…my name is sabrina..aka…the_one_i_love….ok….my problem is…me and my recent boyfriend just broke up and he was the love of my life…well i went into a state of depression…and my friend took me out and i ended up hooking up with this guy that i have liked forever…well…we didnt use protection because he claimed that he didnt have any and now i think i may be pregnant…at first i didnt really care whether i got pregnant or not but now that i think about it…im so scared…i dont know what to do…but its not the being pregnant and going through the birth that scares me…its the fact of what my dad will do to me…because my dad is against interracial relationships and the guy is a different race! so i need help on getting through this…so if you are reading this…please give me your advice
Blessed By Two Mothers
My two Mothers shared gifts of life and love,...