Hi! I’m fairly new to this site. I’ll just start with the basics and post tomorrow more tomorrow. I’m fifteen and live in NY. My boyfriend and I have been together for (almost) 1 year and 10 months. I’ve had a crush on him since 5th grade, even after he said I was a coward […]

Hi! I’m fairly new to this site. I’ll just start with the basics and post tomorrow more tomorrow.

I’m fifteen and live in NY. My boyfriend and I have been together for (almost) 1 year and 10 months. I’ve had a crush on him since 5th grade, even after he said I was a coward and not his type (in 7th grade). We (finally!) started going out in the middle of eighth.

My mom had me and my older brother in her early twenties. She divorced my father due to drug and alcohol addiction, so I know nothing about him, which is starting to bother me. My mom remarried, had my younger brother and sister, and after being neglected by my stepdad, we are now going through a rough seperation where he refuses to make contact with us about anything, especially since he’s living with his girlfriend.

I had an abortion about 7 months ago. It’s been excruciatingly tough to deal with. I’ve been starting to become depressed due to it, because I never wanted to go through with it; my boyfriend did. I hurt so much still. If anyone has any words of how to get through this, please let me know. I’m almost going to have to see a psychiatrist due to my depression, and my heart is brealing more and more every day.


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