Health Center.
Yesterday my boyfriend and I went to the Health Center. We got to talk to this girl, and she gave us the three options; abortion, adoption, and parenting. We were still looking into abortion… But I didn’t know all the risks that could come with it, and if I were to have the baby now… […]

Yesterday my boyfriend and I went to the Health Center.

We got to talk to this girl, and she gave us the three options; abortion, adoption, and parenting. We were still looking into abortion… But I didn’t know all the risks that could come with it, and if I were to have the baby now… There’s a chance it could live outside my womb 0.o. Not only that, but… I mean, I have a baby now with someone I truly love, and it’s something we did together. This baby has a life and did nothing to deserve me terminating it. I am very against abortion and so is my boyfriend. I just think he is highly convinced that we aren’t ready. Because, he definitely cannot go through with adoption.
Now, once again I am stuck on what to do… I have to wait until Sunday to talk to him again about what WE want to do. Because I need his support in this as well, and to me, it’s just not my decision. I am going to try to convince him that we can get through this, and just say how I really feel. Because I have had about 6 and a half months bonding with this baby, feeling it move and everything, so of course I am going to be more attached to it than he is. But I am hoping with the talk on Sunday, it can help ease things so we can come to an agreement.

Then hopefully, I am bagging for Sunday to go well, so shortly after I can tell my mom.  I am honestly scared to death to tell her. The one big thing that I am most nervous about is that she is going to change her opinion on my boyfriend and lose trust in us. I know what I did wrong, I can see my mistake, and I can hope my mom can understand that when the time comes to tell her. Not only that, but I do need an ultrasound and medical help so I can know for sure how far along I am, and if the baby and I are really okay, and in good health.

The lady at the Health Center guessed I was about 26 weeks with these wheel things according to my last period. So, we’ll see what happens and how everything goes ):
I want to thank all of my friends on here for talking me through a lot and helping me.. You guys are a lot of help.

Thank you!

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