he knows her…and life still the same

by | 2008 | Real Stories

He left long ago, when i was 2 months along.Never cared, or at least i hid i did care because down here in south Europe we all are so " proud" to be rejected or to be judged by others. I carried on with it…all by myself.I had my daughter Rocio, I had a long-term […]

He left long ago, when i was 2 months along.Never cared, or at least i hid i did care because down here in south Europe we all are so " proud" to be rejected or to be judged by others.

I carried on with it…all by myself.I had my daughter Rocio, I had a long-term bf who seemed to care for both of us ( but in the end he did NOT) and i passed my exams, got my jobs and my travels– I had my bit of fun but still full of remorse.

When we broke up i was so upset he never called, he never asked about my baby i completely pushed him away, both mentally and physically .I told him to keep away from both of us, to stay so so far away.I had the money, i had the house and i had all the support by my side.I was just telling him to keep on being someone without a daughter, but he threatened me and told me he would take me to court.He told me when i was ready to give birth, that he would see his baby, no matter what i had to say.

Of course words are gone with the wind, as we say here.Baby was born, never called him, he knew my phone , he knew where i lived…he knew it all but he never bothered.I was so pleased i was to raise my baby with the warmth of a "semi-normal" family,my family.

21 months later i was there, in a private club, enjoying a day in the countryside when we bumped into each other.I thought my baby deserved to meet him at least once.I told him, he agreed to it.They met.

Something stranged clicked on him and he started seeing her ( with me there).Dont want him to pay or give me any finantial help dont want his name on my daughter¡s id-just want her to see him.

They dont see everyday, he never calls, he just plays with her,we still have a long long way, that is what his mother says…no one cared about Rocio in her first 21 months and i guess it will never be what we call a proper "dad-daughter" relationship but now i can die happy and people can shut up: now he knows her and her life is still the same.

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