Hard To Back Up What I Believe
 When I was 18 the summer before I was to start school for Pre-med I met my future husband and before we got married I became pregnant. It was the beginning of the semester when I found out. I was excited and I had already adopted his son so I thought this would be easy. […]
StandUpGirl dad holds baby girl behind graduated mother

 When I was 18 the summer before I was to start school for Pre-med I met my future husband and before we got married I became pregnant. It was the beginning of the semester when I found out. I was excited and I had already adopted his son so I thought this would be easy. He was worried about all the stress of my school and a baby but I told him I could do it. He also doesn’t believe in abortion.

However my pregnancy was hardly bearable and along with hip problems severe morning sick through 8 month and debilitating leg cramps and migraines. I made it and even though I had an awful 18 hours of labor I was happy to have my little muffin finally come.


The real test came when she was only a month old. I went to the hospital with cramps only to find out yes I was indeed pregnant again! I cried for three days, the other pregnancy had already gotten me on academic suspension and set me back a year how was I going to become the doctor I had always wanted to be? Because of God and my wonderful husband who has believed in my through extreme postpartum and the same awful pregnancy complications. It was only a four hour labor (but one I’ll remember forever because it was soooo painful).

Now I have to be the only college junior with three kids! I love them so much and my little one Natashah just turned three and I can’t believe how much spirit she has! The little girl is truly amazing she can make anyone laugh…and does EVERYWHERE we go! I say everyday, “Thank you, Thank you Jesus for all my babies” And believe it or not my stance in being tested once again but this time I know with God by my side I can do all things (no matter how many babies I have) and I am HAPPILY awaiting this baby.

God bless, Chrissy.


Hi Chrissy,

My name is April and I help Becky answer emails for Stand Up Girl.

Thank you so much for writing and sharing your story. I love hearing stories where people choose life for their child. I am so glad that you decided to give birth to your wonderful children even though it was not easy. So may people throw the towel in and give up. You are such an amazing person! Good luck with school.

It makes me happy to know that you are still reaching for your dreams and you are making it happen. Way to go!

I hope that this helps. Feel free to write back if you have anymore questions or concerns.

April | april@standupgirl.com

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