Hard Choices
I am 22 years old and about 8-9 weeks pregnant. I haven’t decided what I am going to do yet because it’s a very weird situation. I had an abortion in October of last year. And although it was rough, it was the easiest decision for me and my boyfriend at the time. After that, […]

I am 22 years old and about 8-9 weeks pregnant. I haven’t decided what I am going to do yet because it’s a very weird situation.

I had an abortion in October of last year. And although it was rough, it was the easiest decision for me and my boyfriend at the time. After that, I had some issues. My prolactin wouldn’t regulate and I wasn’t sure if I would even be able to have kids. Since then, we have tried different types of birth control only to find out that I am allergic to the lactose and hormones used to create birth control. So we have been using the rhythm method ever since. I first discovered I was pregnant about 4 weeks ago when I missed my period, but I started bleeding very heavily soon after and my doctor told me that I was having a miscarriage and that if I was bleeding terribly, the chances of survival were slim to none. Still, when I went in for my check-up that week my HCG level was at a 2.

The next Tuesday, I went in for another follow-up because I chose to miscarry naturally without a D&C and my HCG level was at a 4. On Saturday, I found out it was at a 11. So it turned out that I was pregnant with twins, but I lost one. After dealing with all of this, my boyfriend has been right there for me. He has been very supportive and helped me with all of this, but when I mentioned to him that I wanted to keep this baby, he freaked out. Which I guess is to be expected and his reasoning was just that we aren’t ready. Which is true to some degree, but we know that we are going to get married and be together so that’s not really an issue. He just wants our lives to be stable before adding kids to the mix. And its complicated because my parents are super religious and his mother got pregnant fairly early so I get where he’s coming from, but is it wrong for me to want this baby so bad? As far as practicality goes, I have one, maybe two more semesters of college left, but I work and make more than enough money to support a child and he has already graduated. And sure, my finances are a bit more flexible than his, but should that stop me from having a baby?

I just would like to hear some feedback because he is a great guy and he will stand by me regardless, but is what he’s saying true? There is no doubt in my mind that we will get married and have children later on so because of that should I just let this one go? Please let me know what you think.

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